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Феннер, Кларенс Норман


Феннер Кларенс Норман (англ. Fenner Clarence Norman)( родился 19.07.1870, Клифтон, штат Нью-Джерси, умер 24.12.1949, там же), американский геолог-минералог и петрограф.

Окончил Колумбийский университет в Нью-Йорке (1892) по специальности горный инженер. После этого работал геологом на месторождениях Канады, Мексики, Южной и Центральной Америки. В 1907 г вернулся в Колумбийский университет, где получил степень мастера в 1909 и степень доктора философии в 1910. В 1910-1938 годах К.Н.Феннер работал в качестве петролога Геофизической лаборатории Института Карнеги (Вашингтон, США).

Основные труды в области минералогии посвящены изучению парагенезиса различных минералов (в частности, цеолитов) в условиях пневматолитового и гидротермального процессов. Дал первую диаграмму состояния кремнекислоты. Изучал процессы современного вулканизма (Катмай на Аляске, Иеллоустонский национальный парк и др.). Проводил петрографические исследования в различных районах Северной и Южной Америки. Образование многих минералов, руд и горных пород объяснял с позиций кристаллизационной дифференциации и ликвации магмы. Разработал (1928) аналитические методы разделения урановых и ториевых минералов и их применения для определения абсолютного возраста горных пород.

Список трудов:

  1. Note on geology of the Monte Cristo district, Snohomish County, Washington: Sch. of Mines Quart., 14, 359-360 (1892).
  2. The Old Telegraph Mine, Bingham Canyon, Utah: Sch. of Mines Quart., 14, 354-358 (1893).
  3. Features indicative of physiographic conditions prevailing at the time of trap intrusions in New Jersey: J . Geol, 16, 299-327 (1908)
  4. The crystallization of a basaltic magma from the standpoint of physical chemistry: Am. J.Sci.(4), 29, 217-234 (1910).
  5. A replacement of rhyolite porphyry by stephanite and chalcopyrite at Leadville, Colorado: Colorado Sch. of Mines Quart.,3l,235-240 (1910).
  6. The Watchung basalt and the paragenesis of its zeolites and other secondary minerals: New York Acad. of Sci., 22, 2, pt. 2, 93-187 (1910).
  7. Study of a contact metamorphic ore deposit. The Dolores Mine at Matehuala, S.L.P., Mexico (with J. B. Spurr and G. H. Garrey): Econ. Geol.,7,444-484 (1912).
  8. Petrographic study of the specimens of loess, terra cocida, and scoria collected by the Hrdlicka-Willis Expedition (with F. E. Wright): Bull.52, Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, pp. 55-98 (1912).
  9. The various forms of silica and their mutual relations: J.Wash. Acad.Sci.,2, 47l-48O (1912).
  10. The stability relations of the silica minerals. Am. J. Sci. (4), 36, 331-384 (1913). Die StabilitAtsbeziehungen der Kieselsiiuremineralien: Z. Anorg. Chem., 85, 133-197 (1914), (translation of the foregoing paper).
  11. The mode of formation of certain gneisses in the highlands of New Jersey: J.Geol.,22, 594-612; 694-702 (1914).
  12. Babingtonite from Passaic County, New Jersey: J.Wash. Acad. Sci,4, 552-558 (1914).
  13. Additional notes on babingtonite from Passaic County, New Jersey: J.Wash.Acad.Sci., 4, 598-605 (1914).
  14. The ternary system H2O-H2SiO3-SiO2 (with G.W.Morey): J.Am.Chem.Soc. ,39,1173-1209 (1917).
  15. The effect of certain impurities in causing milkiness in optical glass (with J.B.Ferguson): J.Amer.Ceram.Soc.,1,468-476 (1918).
  16. The technique of optical glass melting: J.Amer.Ceram. Soc.,2, 102-145 (1919).
  17. The use of optical pyrometers for control of optical giass furnaces: Bull.Inst.Min.Met.Eng, 1919, 1001-1011  ; also Pyrometry Volume, 495-505 (1920).
  18. The relations between tridymite and cristobalite: J. Soc. Glass Tech.,3, Trans., 116-125 (1919).
  19. The Katmai region, Alaska, and the great eruption of 19l2: J. Geol.,28, 569-606 (1920).
  20. The origin and mode of emplacement of the great tufi deposit in the valley of the Ten Thousand Smokes: Not.Geogr. Soc. Contributed Technical Paper l, l-74 (1923)
  21. Earth movements accompanying the Katmai eruption: J. Geol.,33,116-139; 193-233(1925).
  22. Magmatic problems of the Aleutians: Nat. Res. Council, Bull., 44, vol.2, pt.2, 124-727 (1926).
  23. The Katmai magmatic province: J.Geol.,34,673-772 (1926).
  24. An unusual occurrence of albite: Am. Mineral.,11,255-259 (1926).
  25. The analytical determination of uranium, thorium, and lead as a basis for age calculations: Am. J.Sci.(5),16, 369-381 (1928).
  26. Radioactive minerals from Divino de Uba, Brazil: Am.J.Sci.(5),16,382-39I (1928)
  27. The mass spectrum of lead from Broggerite (with C.S.Piggot): Nature,123,793-794 (1929)
  28. The crystallization of basalts: Am. J.Sci.,18,225-253 (1929)
  29. Mount Karmai and Mount Mageik: Z. Vulkanology,13,1-24,16 pl.(1930).
  30. The significance of the word 'eutectic': J.Geol.,38,159-165 (1930).
  31. The Engels copper deposits, California: Econ.Geol.,25,420-425 (1930). (Discussion of the article by A. Knopf and C. A. Anderson.)
  32. The residual liquids of crystallizing magmas: Mineral. Mag.,22,539-560 (1931)
  33. The age of a monazite crystal from Portland, Connecticut: Am.J.Sci (5),23,327-333 (1932).
  34. Pneumatolytic processes in the formation of minerals and ores. In Ore Deposits of the Western States, pp. 58-106: Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., New York (1933)
  35. Some magmatic problems : J.W ash. Acad.Sci.,24,113-124 (1934)
  36. Henry Stephens Washington:(1867-1934) Science, n.s.,79,47-48 (1934)
  37. Hydrothermal metamorphism in geyser basins of Yellowstone Park, as shown by deep drilling: Trans. Am. Geophys. Union. I5th Ann. Meeting, pp.240-243 (1934)
  38. Life History of the Sudbury nickel irruptive: Geol.Mag.,72,381-382 (1935)
  39. Review and discussion of Prof.Paper 179 (U. S. Geol. survey) by C.S.Ross on origin of the copper deposits of the Ducktown type in the Southern Appalachian region: Economic Geol.,30, 928-936 (1935).
  40. Bore-hole investigations in Yellowstone Park: J. Geol,.,44,225-315 (1936)
  41. A view of magmatic differentiation: J.Geol.,45,158-168 (1937)
  42. Tuffs and other volcanic deposits of Katmai and Yellowstone Park: Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, l8th Ann. Meeting, pp.236-239 (1937)
  43. Olivine fourchites from Raymond Fosdick Mountains, Antarctica: Geol. Soc.Amer.,Bull.49, 367-400 (1938).
  44. The phenomena of Falling Mountain: Am. J. Sci. (5),35-A, 35-48 (193S). Contact relations between rhyolite and basalt on Gardiner River, Yellowstone Park: Geol,.Soc. Amer., Bull.. 49, 1441-1483 (1938).
  45. Geologia de los Alrededores de Arequipa. Universidad de San Augustin de Arequipa.(Translation by Carlos Nicholson, Professor in the University), pp. 164-206, pl. 25 (1940).
  46. The nature of the ore-forming fluid; a discussion: Econ. Geol.,35, 883-904 (1940).
  47. Rhyolite basalt complex on Gardiner River, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming; a discussion: Geol. Soc. Amer., BuIl.55, 1081-1096 (1944).
  48. Immiscibility of igneous magmas: Am. J.Sci.,246,465-502 (1948).
  49. Incandescent tuff flows in Southern Pent: Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull.59,879-893 (1948).
  50. Pleistocene climate and topography of the Arequipa region, Peru: Geotr. Soc. Amer., Bull.59,895-917 (1948).
  51. The chemical kinetics of the Katmai explosion: Amer. J. Sci.,248, pt.I, pp. 593-627; pt.II, pp. 697-725 (1950). (Published posthumously.)

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