Вермонт \ Vermont, США.
Минералогические находки (! - замечательные в каком-либо отношении; !! - выдающиеся; !!! - из лучших в мире; * новый минерал (год публикации) ; xls - кристаллы):
Местонахождения минералов
- Карлтон Куорри, Честер \ Carlton Quarry (Carleton Quarry), Chester
- Belvidere Mountain Quarries (Vermont Asbestos Group mine; VAG mine; Ruberoid Asbestos mine; Eden Mills quarries), Lowell & Eden, Orleans & Lamoille Cos. \\ везувиан!!; гроссуляр!!; клиноцоизит; ксонотлит!; уваровит!
Из публикаций
- Clements R. and Robinson D.The Carlton Quarry, Chester, Windsor County, Vermont. - Rocks & Minerals,1996, 71:231)
- Gait, R. and Veblen, D. Chesterite, cimthompsonite, and Clinojimthompsonite from the Type Locality: Carlton Quarry, Chester, Windsor County, Vermont (Rocks & Minerals, 1996, 71:275)
- Hadden, Sue Minerals of the Quarries of Lowell-Eden, Vermont.- Rocks & Minerals, 1996, 71,236-246.
- Hadden, Sue; Carlsen, Ken; Bentley, Arlene (2008): Grossular and associated minerals from the Eden Mills quarries, Vermont. Mineralogical Record, May 2008.
- King, V.and Cares, J. Vermont Mineral Locality Index. - Rocks and Minerals, 1996, 71:324-335,337-338.
- Levitan, Denise et al. Mineralogy of mine waste at the Vermont Asbestos Group mine, Belvidere Mountain, Vermont. - American Mineralogist, 2009, 94(7):1063-1066.
- Robinson, G.R., Jr., Van Gosen, B. S., and Foley, N. K., 2006, Ultramafic-hosted talc-magnesite deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1229, 14 pages.