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Коктогай = Кёктокай (Koktogai) (Фуюнь р-н), Монгольский Алтай, Синьцзян-Уйгурский автономный район, Китай; 47°15` с. ш. , 89°37` в. д \\ гранитные пегматиты - знаменитое местонахождение минералов \ famous mineral locality


Из публикаций

  • Wang, R.C., Hu, H., Zhang, A.C., Fontan, F., Zhang, H., and de Parseval, P. Occurrence and late re-equilibration of pollucite from the Koktokay no. 3 pegmatite, Altai, northwestern China. - American Mineralogist, 2006, v. 91, p. 729-739.
  • Wang, X.J., Zou, T.R., Xu, J.G., Yu, X.Y., and Qiu, Y.Z. (1981) Study of pegmatite minerals of the Altai region. Science Publishing House, Beijing, China.
  • Zhang AC, Wang RC, Hu H, Chen XM, Zhang H Occurrences of foitite and rossmanite from the Koktokay No. 3 granitic pegmatite dyke, Altai, northwestern China: a record of hydrothermal fluids. - Canadian Mineralogist, 2004, 42, 873-882.
  • Zhang, Aicheng; Wang, Rucheng; Li, Yiliang; Hu, Huan; Lu, Xiancai; Ji, Junfeng; Zhang, Hui. Tourmalines from the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite, Altai, NW China: spectroscopic characterization and relationships with the pegmatite evolution. - European Journal of Mineralogy, 2008, vol. 20, Number 1, pp. 143-154(12) \\ Подробнее...
  • Zhu, J.C., Wu, C.N., Liu, C.S., Li, F.C., Huang, X.L., and Zhou, D.S. (2000) Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution and genesis of Koktokay no. 3 rare metal pegmatite dyke, Altai, China. Geological Journal of China Universities: 6(1): 40-52 (in Chinese with English abstract).


Последнее изменение этой страницы: 09:20, 16 апреля 2010.
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