Оленит(англ. OLENITE) - NaAl9B3Si6O27O3(OH)
Типичные примеси |
Ti,Zn,Li,Fe,Mn,Mg,Ca,K,F,H2O |
Молекулярный вес |
963.76 |
Происхождение названия |
По месту находки. |
IMA статус |
утверждён |
Год открытия |
1986 |
Strunz (8-ое издание) |
8/E.19-60 |
Dana (7-ое издание) | |
Dana (8-ое издание) | |
Hey's CIM Ref. |
17.5.4 |
Сингония |
Тригональная |
Параметры ячейки |
a = 15.8Å, c = 7.08Å |
Отношение |
a:c = 1 : 0.448 |
Объем элементарной ячейки |
V 1,530.66 ų (рассчитано по параметрам элементарной ячейки) |
Перевод на другие языки
немецкий — Olenit
японский — オーレン電気石
русский — Оленит
испанский — Olenita
английский — Olenite
Список литературы
- Соколов П.Б., Горская М.Г., Гордиенко В.В., Петрова М.Г., Крецер Ю.Л., Франк-Каменецкий В.А. Оленит Na1-xAl3Al6B3Si6O27(O,OH)4 - новый высокоглиноземистый минерал из группы турмалинов. - ЗВМО, 1986, ч.115. вып.1. с.119-123.
- American Mineralogist (1988): 73: 441.
- Soviet Physics – Crystallography: 27: 63-66.
- Ertl, A., Pertlik, F. and Bernhardt, H.-J. (1997) Investigations on olenite with excess boron from the Koralpe, Styria, Austria. Österreichische Akad. Wissenschaften, Math-Naturewiss Klasse, Abt. 1, Anzeiger. 134: 3-10.
- Hughes, J.M., Ertl, A., Dyar, M.D., Grew, E.S., Shearer, C.K., and Yates, M.G. (1999) Boron in the tourmaline tetrahedral site: Chemistry and structure of a boron-rich olenite. 2nd. European Workshop on Tourmaline and Borosilicates Abstracts.
- Hughes, J.M., Ertl, A., Dyar, M.D., Grew, E.S., Shearer, C.K., Yates, M.G., and Guidotti, C.V. (2000) Tetrahedrally coordinated boron in a tourmaline: boron-rich olenite from Stoffhütte, Koralpe, Austria. Canadian Mineralogist: 38: 861-868.
- Ertl, A., Pertlik, F., and Bernhardt, H.-J. (2001b) Ein hell-blauer Olenit-Schörl-Dravit Mischkristall von Ebersdorf, Niederösterreich: Strukturanalyse und Chemie. Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges.: 146: 75-77.
- Ertl, A., Hughes, J. (2002) Structural and chemical response to varying [4]B content in olenite from Koralpe, Austria. EMPG IX, Ninth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Zürich, Switzerland, 24.-27.3 Book of Abstracts (2002): 47.
- Grew, E.S., and Anovitz, L.M. (1996) BORON: Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, second edition, as revised (2002).
- Marler, B. and Ertl, A. (2002) Nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopic study of excess-boron olenite from Austria. American Mineralogist: 87: 364-367.
- Schreyer, W., Ertl, A., Hughes, J., Bernhardt, H.-J., Kalt, A., Prowatke, S. (2002) Tetrahedral boron in olenite from the type locality: A Chemical and Structural investigation., EMPG IX, Ninth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Zürich, Switzerland, 24.-27.3, Book of Abstracts (2002): 97.
- Schreyer, W., Hughes, J.M., Bernhardt, H.-J., Kalt, A., Prowatke, S., and Ertl, A. (2002) Reexamination of olenite from the type locality: detection of boron in tetrahedral coordination. European Journal of Mineralogy: 14: 935-942.
- Ertl, A., J.M. Hughes, F. Brandstätter, M.D. Dyar, and P.S.R. Prasad (2003a), Disordered Mg-bearing olenite from a granitic pegmatite at Goslarn, Austria: A chemical, structural, and infrared spectroscopic study: Canadian Mineralogist: 41: 1363-1370.
- Hughes, J.M., A. Ertl, M.D. Dyar, E. Grew, M. Wiedenbeck, and F. Brandstätter (2004), Structural and chemical response to varying [4]B content in zoned Fe-bearing olenite from Koralpe, Austria: American Mineralogist: 89: 447-454.
- Cempírek, Jan, Milan Novák, Andreas Ertl, John M. Hughes, George R. Rossman and M. Darby Dyar (2006): Fe-bearing olenite with tetrahedrally coordinated Al from an abyssal pegmatite at Kutná Hora, Czech Republic: structure, crystal chemistry, optical and XANES spectra: Canadian Mineralogist: 44(1): 23-30.