Псевдоволластонит(англ. PSEUDOWOLLASTONITE) - CaSiO3
Перевод на другие языки
немецкий — Bourgeoisit;Pseudowollastonit;ß-Wollastonit
русский — Псевдоволластонит
испанский — Bourgeoisita;Cyclowollastonita;Pseudowollastonita;ß-Wollastonita
английский — Pseudowollastonite
Список литературы
- Tolliday, J.M. (1959) The crystal structure of β-wollastonite. Nature: 182: 1012.
- Fleischer, M. (1973), New mineral names. Cyclowollastonite: American Mineralogist: 58: 560.
- American Mineralogist (1999): 84: 929.
- Courtial, P., Téqui, C., and Richet, P. (2000) Thermodynamics of diopside, anorthite, pseudowollastonite, CaMgGeO4 olivine, and åkermanite up to near the melting point. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 27: 242-250.
- Bouhifd, M.A., Gruener, G., Mysen, B.O., and Richet, P. (2002) Premelting and calcium mobility in gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) and parawollastonite (CaSiO3). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 29: 655-662.