Сульфогалит(англ. SULPHOHALITE) - Na6(SO4)2ClF
Молекулярный вес |
384.52 |
Происхождение названия |
По своему химическому составу of sulfate plus NaCl (halite). . |
IMA статус |
действителен, описан впервые до 1959 (до IMA) |
Strunz (8-ое издание) |
6/B.12-10 |
Dana (8-ое издание) | |
Hey's CIM Ref. |
26.2 |
Перевод на другие языки
немецкий — Sulfohalit;Sulphohalit
русский — Сульфогалит
испанский — Sulfohalita;Sulphohalita
английский — Sulphohalite
Список литературы
- Hidden, W.E. & J.B. MacKintosh (1888), Sulphohalite, a new sodium sulphato-chloride, American Journal of Science, 3rd. series: 36: 463.
- Zeitschr. Kristallographie (1889), Band 15: 294.
- Penfield, Samuel Lewis (1900), On the chemical composition of sulphohalite: American Journal of Science, 4th. series: 9: 425-428.
- E.S. Larsen in Gale and Hicks (1914) American Journal of Science: 38: 273.
- Foshag (1920) American Journal of Science: 49: 76.
- Foshag, Wm. F. (1933) Sulfohalite and Other Minerals from the Otjiwalundo Salt Pan, South West Africa. American Mineralogist: 18: 431-434.
- Pabst (1934) Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Mineralogie und Petrographie, Leipzig: 89: 514.
- Watanabé (1934) Proceedings of the Imperial Academy, Tokyo: 10: 575.
- Palache, Charles, Harry Berman & Clifford Frondel (1951), The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana Yale University 1837-1892, Seventh edition, Volume II: 548-549.
- American Mineralogist (1963): 48: 485-510.
- Sakamoto, Y. (1968) The size, atomic charges and motion of the sulfate radical of symmetry 43m in the crystal of sulfohalite, Na6ClF(SO4)2. Hiroshima University Journal of Science, series C: 32: 101-108.
- Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry: 10: 1-112.
- Omori, K. (1970) Infrared study of sulphohalite. American Mineralogist: 55: 1879-1910.
- Mineralogical Magazine (1975): 40: 131-139.