Термонатрит(англ. THERMONATRITE) - Na2CO3 * H2O
Молекулярный вес |
124.00 |
Происхождение названия |
Named от греческого heat и natron, as the dehydration product from heating natron. |
IMA статус |
действителен, описан впервые до 1959 (до IMA) |
Strunz (8-ое издание) |
5/D.02-10 |
Dana (8-ое издание) | |
Hey's CIM Ref. |
11.1.5 |
Перевод на другие языки
русский — Термонатрит
французский — Soude carbonatée prismatique
немецкий — Natürliches mineralisches Alkali;Prismatisches Natronsalz;Thermonatrit;Thermonitrit
испанский — Thermonatrita
английский — Thermonatrite
Список литературы
- Wallerius, J.G (1747) Mineralogia, eller Mineralriket. Stockholm (as Natron, Alkali orientale impurum terrestre, Jordblandadt, Alkaliskt-salt).
- Mohs-Haidinger (1825): 2: 29 (as Prismatisches Natronsalz).
- Hausmann, J.F.L. (1847) Handbuch der Mineralogie 3 volumes, Göttingen. Second edition, vol. 2: 1411 (as Thermonitrit).
- Dufrénoy, A. (1856): 2: 220 (as Soude carbonatée prismatique).
- Marignac (1857) Annales des mines: 12: 55.
- Dufrénoy (1856): 2: 220 (as Soude carbonatée prismatique).
- Larsen, E.S. (1921) The Microscopic Determination of the Nonнепрозрачный Minerals, First edition, USGS Bulletin 679: 143.
- Goldschmidt, V. (1922) Atlas der Krystallformen. 9 volumes, atlas, and text: vol. 8: 129 (may not refer to thermonatrite).
- Hintze, Carl (1930) Handbuch der Mineralogie. Berlin and Leipzig. 6 volumes: 1 [3A]: 2776.
- Pabst (1930) American Mineralogist: 15: 72.
- Merwin in: Winchell, A. (1931) The Microscopic Characters of Artificial Inorganic Solid Substances or Artificial Minerals. Second edition, 403 pp., New York and London.
- Colby and Harper (1934) Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Mineralogie und Petrographie, Leipzig: 89: 191.
- Aprodova (1945) Comptes rendus de l’académie des sciences de l’U.R.S.S., n.s.: 48: 274.
- Palache, C., Berman, H., & Frondel, C. (1951), The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, Yale University 1837-1892, Volume II: Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Etc. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 7th edition, revised and enlarged: 224-225.
- Acta Crystallographica (1975): B31: 890.