Цирконолит(англ. ZIRCONOLITE) - CaZrTi2O7
Молекулярный вес |
363.87 |
Происхождение названия |
По своему составу. |
IMA статус |
утверждён |
Strunz (8-ое издание) |
4/C.15-20 |
Dana (8-ое издание) | |
Hey's CIM Ref. |
7.10.5 |
Перевод на другие языки
немецкий — Zirkonolith
русский — Цирконолит
испанский — Zirconolita
английский — Zirconolite
Список литературы
- Mazzi, F. and Munno, R. (1983) Calciobetafite (new mineral of the pyrochlore group) and related minerals from Campi Flegrei, Italy; crystal structures of polymignite, and zirkelite: comparison with pyrochlore and zirconolite. American Mineralogist: 68: 262-276.
- Bayliss, P., Mazzi, F., Munno, R. and White, T. J. (1989): Mineral nomenclature: zirconolite. Mineral. Mag. 53, 565-569.
- Mineralogical Magazine (1994): 5: 259-269.
- Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR: 110: 845-848.
- Gieré, R., Williams, C. T. and Lumpkin, G. R. (1998): Chemical characteristics of natural zirconolite. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 78, 433-459.
- Bulakh, Andrei G.; Nesterov, Alexander R.; Anastasenko, Galina F.; Anisimov, Ilija S. (1999): Crystal morphology and intergrowths of calzirtite Ca2Zr5TiO16, zirkelite (Ti,Ca,Zr)O2-x, zirconolite CaZrTi2O7 in phoscorites and carbonatites of the Kola Peninsula (Russia). Neues Jahrb. Mineral., Monatsh. 1999, 11-20.
- Della Ventura, G., Bellatreccia, F. and Williams, C. T. (2000): Zirconolite with significant REEZrNb(Mn,Fe)O7 from a xenolith of the Laacher See eruptive center, Eifel volcanic region, Germany. Can. Mineral. 38, 57-65.
- Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G., Williams, C. T., Lumpkin, G. R., Smith, K. L. and Colella, M. (2002): Non-metamict zirconolite polytypes from the feldspathoid-bearing alkali-syenitic ejecta of the Vico volcanic complex (Latium, Italy). Eur. J. Mineral. 14, 809-820.
- G. Blaß, H.-W. Graf and U. Kolitsch (2003): Zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) from the volcanic Eifel - Verification of three different polytypoids. Mineralien-Welt 14 (3), 32-35. (in German)