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Амфиболы - обширная надгруппа минералов. Современная номенклатура и классификация надгруппы амфиболов определена в отчёте IMA 2012 года.


  • Номенклатура амфиболов: доклад подкомитета по амфиболам комиссии по новым минералам и названиям минералов Международной Минералогической Ассоциации (КНМНМ ММА) // Зап. ВМО, 1997. Ч. 126. Вып. 6. С. 82-102. (PDF)
  • Никандров С.Н. Согласованная система классификаций основных групп породообразующих минералов (амфиболы, пироксены, слюды) в виде матричных моделей // Геология и минералогия Ильменогорского комплекса: ситуация и проблемы. Миасс: ИГЗ УрО РАН, 2006. С. 131-160.
  • Hawthorne, F.C.H. (1983) The crystal chemistry of the amphiboles. Canadian Mineralogist: 21: 173-480.
  • Rock, N.M.S. and Leake, B.E. (1984) The International Mineralogical Association amphibole nomenclature scheme: computerization and its consequences. // Mineralogical magazine: 48: 211-227.
  • Oberti, R., Ungaretti, L., Cannillo, E., and Hawthorne, F.C. (1993) The mechanism of Cl incorporation in amphibole. // American Mineralogist: 78: 746-752.
  • Hawthorne, F.C. (1997) Short-range order in amphiboles: a bond-valence approach. // Canadian Mineralogist: 35: 203-218.
  • Leake, B.E., A.R. Woolley, C.E.S. Arps, W.D. Birch, M.C. Gilbert, J.D Grice, F.C. Hawthorne, A. Kato, H.J. Kisch, V.G. Krivovichev, K. Linthout, J. Laird, J.A. Mandarino, W.V. Maresch, E.H. Nickel, N.M.S. Rock, J.C. Schumacher, D.C. Smith, N.C.N. Stephenson, L. Ungaretti, E.J.W. Whittaker, & Y. Guo (1997) - Nomenclature of amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission on New Mienrals and Mineral Names // American Mineralogist: 82: 1019-1037.
  • Reece, J.J., S.A.T. Redfern, M.D. Welch, C.M.B. Henderson, & C.A. McCammon (2002), Temperature-dependent Fe2+ - Mn2+ order-disorder behaviour in amphiboles // Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 29: 562-570.
  • Oberti, R., F. Cámara, L. Ottolini, J.M. Caballero (2003), Lithium in amphiboles: detection, quantification, and incorporation mechanisms in the compositional space bridging sodic and [B} Li amphiboles // European Journal of Mineralogy: 15: 309-319.
  • Leake, B.E., A.R. Woolley, W.D. Birch, E.A.J. Burke, G. Ferraris, J.D. Grice, F.C. Hawthorne, H.J. Kisch, V.G. Krivovichev, J.C. Schumacher, N.C.N. Stephenson & E.J.W. Whittaker (2004): Nomenclature of amphiboles: additions and revisions to the International Mineralogical Association's amphibole nomenclature. // American Mineralogist 88, 883-887.
  • Hawthorne, F.C.H., Della Ventura, G., Oberti, R., Robert, J.-L., and Iezzi, G. (2005): Short-range order in minerals: amphiboles. // Canadian Mineralogist 43, 1895-1920.
  • Hawthorne, F. C. and Oberti, R. (2006): On the classification of amphiboles // Canadian Mineralogist 44, 1-21.
  • Ishida, K. and Hawthorne, F.C. (2006): Assignment of infrared OH-stretching bands in calcic amphiboles through deuteration and heat treatment. // American Mineralogist 91, 871-879.
  • Esawi, E.K. (2011): Calculations of amphibole chemical parameters and implementation of the 2004 recommendations of the IMA classification and nomenclature of amphiboles. // Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 106, 123-129.
  • Frank C. Hawthorne, Roberta Oberti, George E. Harlow, Walter V. Maresch, Robert F. Martin, John C. Schumacer, Mark D. Welch (2012): Nomenclature of the amphibole supergroup // American Mineralogist, Volume 97, pages 2031-2048.



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